Episode 132: Feminist Economics in Social Studies with Neil Shanks

In Episode 132, Dan and Michael chat with Dr. Neil Shanks about his new publication in Theory & Research in Social Education titled, “Against ‘economic man’: A feminist challenge to prevailing neoclassical norms in K-12 economics education.”

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Episode 132

Books, Articles and Other Amazing Resources

  1. Shanks, N. (2019). Against ‘economic man’: A feminist challenge to prevailing neoclassical norms in K-12 economics education. Theory & Research in Social Education, 47(4), 577-603.
  2. Other social studies scholars doing economic work that Dr. Shanks recommends:
    1. Adams, E. C. (2019). Economics and the civic mission of social studies education: Two critiques of neoclassicism. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education, 18(1), 1–17.
    2. Miller, R. C. (1993). In order to save the world for human habitation, we must stop teaching economics! Theory & Research in Social Education, 21(1), 25–48.
    3. King, L., & Finley, S. (2015). Race is a highway: Towards a critical race approach in economics classrooms. In P. T. Chandler (Ed.), Doing Race in Social Studies: Critical Perspectives (pp. 195–228). Information Age Publishing.
    4. Nelson, J. A. (2011). Broader questions and a bigger toolbox: A problem-centered and student-centered approach to teaching pluralist economics. Real-World Economics Review, 58, 9–18.
  3. To learn more about Stephanie Kelton and the economics discussed by politicians like Bernie Sanders and AOC: Modern Monetary Theory, explained
  4. High school Inquiry Design Model (IDM) lesson from C3Teachers.org with the compelling question, Can We Afford the Super-Rich?
  5. The beginning of the Netflix stand up, “Ronny Chieng: Asian Comedian Destroys America!,” presents a satirical critique of instant gratification consumerism in the United States.
  6. Zuboff, S. (2019). The age of surveillance capitalism: The fight for a human future at the new frontier of power. Profile Books.
  7. Adam Ruins Everything, The Suburbs discusses redlining among other issues. And, if you’re not already doing it, follow Nikole Hannah Jones on Twitter @nhannahjones and on her site: https://nikolehannahjones.com/.
  8. Exploring Economics: A great resource to begin exploring pluralist paradigms


Neil Shanks, Ph.D. is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Middle and Secondary Education at Baylor University. His areas of research interest include Social Studies Education, Teacher Education, and Economics Education. Specifically, his work focuses on the way that economics exists as a subdiscipline of Social Studies with an emphasis on aligning critical purposes for teaching economics with critical purposes for teaching Social Studies, addressing both traditional economic paradigms and new economic paradigms. Find his Twitter account @ssmethods and Google Scholar page; Or email him at neil_shanks@baylor.edu.


We would like to thank Zack Seitz of Wylie High School (TX) and the University of North Texas for his editing skills.

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