Episode 13: Creating Authentic Media with hosts Dan and Michael

In this extended conversation, Michael and Dan discuss creating authentic media for both educators and students. This episode is our longest, but it is chock full of ideas. Check out the resources below!

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Books, articles, lessons, and other amazing resources

  1. Quick definition: Authentic media – media (we’ll be discussing digital) that is shared with a larger audience.
  2. Visions of Education Episode 11: Rethinking Black History with LaGarrett King
  3. ReadWriteThink’s The Nuts and Bolts of Podcasts (not discussed during the episode, but could be helpful).
  4. The StoryCorps app available on Google Play and iTunes.
  5. Podcasting Resources
    1. Voxer – a way connect asynchronously via text and voice
    2. Skype – we use to chat with our guests
    3. ECamm – we use this to record Skype
    4. Audacity – we use this to edit our discussions
    5. SoundCloud – we upload our podcast to this which the is then picked up by iTunes, Stitcher, and a few other places.
    6. Episode 31: Oral Histories in Education with Gabriel Abowd Damico
  6. Here are a few of the images that we discussed in this podcast

  7. Historical Digitally Altered Image Project. A blog post by Michael K. Milton
  8. Editing Digital Image Resources
    1. Photoshop
    2. Pixelmator
    3. Explain Everything
  9. A High School Teacher’s Experience with Keeping Pace During Snow Days. A blog post that Michael wrote about creating screencasts (with some resources and explanation).
  10. Video Creation Resources
    1. Screencast-o-matic
    2. Snagit
    3. MindOverMedia: Analyzing Contemporary Propaganda (www.mindovermedia.tv)
    4. Visions of Education Episode 7: Propaganda with Renee Hobbs
    5. “5 Educational Philosophies” by Prof. Krutka’s class: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3H0DbcDbIbs]
  11. Social Media Resources
    1. TodaysMeet
    2. The Enlightenment Meets Social Media. A blog post by Michael about his use of social media to teach about the Enlightenment.
    3. Rheingold, H. (2010). Attention, and Other 21st-Century Social Media LiteraciesEducause Review45(5), 14-24.
    4. Visions of Education Episode 4: Inside/Outside Sharing with Wes Fryer
    5. The (Industrial) Revolution Will be Twitterized. A blog post by Michael about using Twitter to look at the spreading of the Industrial Revolution.
    6. Dan’s social media lesson for his classes
    7. Krutka, D. G. (in press). Remixing current events: Navigating the transmedia terrain with young learners. Social Studies and the Young Learner.
  12. Websites/Blogs
    1. MichaelKMilton.com
    2. DanKrutka.wordpress.com
    3. Dan’s Educational Foundations class website
  13. Videoconferencing
    1. While #MysterySkype can take many forms, here’s a blog post about one way to do it.
    2. Krutka, D. G. & Carano, K. T. (2016). “As long as I see you on Facebook I know you are safe”: Social media experiences as humanizing pedagogy. In A. R. Crowe & A. Cuenca (Eds.), Rethinking social studies teacher education in the twenty-first century (pp. 207-222). Switzerland: Springer International.


Michael K. Milton and Dan Krutka are the hosts of this podcast! Our information can be found in the about section. Contact them at @VisionsOfEd or individually at @42ThinkDeep (Michael) and @DanKrutka (Dan).


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