Episode 87: Data Visualization and Literacy in Social Studies with Tamara Shreiner

In Episode 87, Dan and Michael chat with Tamara Shreiner about her recent article published in Theory and Research in Social Education titled “Data Literacy for Social Studies: Examining the Role of Data Visualizations in K-12 Textbooks.” Dr. Shreiner describes data visualizations in our society and shares how to teach about and with them.

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Books, Articles and Other Amazing Resources

  1. Check out Tamara’s work on her Google Scholar page and her University webpage
  2. Shreiner, T.L. (2017). Data literacy for social studies: Examining the role of data visualizations in K-12 textbooks. Theory and Research in Social Education. 46(2), 194-231.
  3. Here are some of Tamara’s recommended resources for data and data visualizations:
    1. Data USA: https://datausa.io/
    2. Gapminder: https://www.gapminder.org/
    3. USA Facts: https://usafacts.org/
    4. Metrocosm: http://metrocosm.com/
    5. Geoawsomeness: http://geoawesomeness.com/
    6. Our World in Data: https://ourworldindata.org/
    7. David Rumsey Historical Maps: https://www.davidrumsey.com/
    8. U.S. Census Bureau’s Statistics in Schools-History: https://www.census.gov/schools/activities/history.html.html
    9. Pew Research Center: http://www.pewresearch.org/
    10. University of Michigan project on data literacy: http://datalit.sites.uofmhosting.net/
  4. And, of course, here’s a guide to Grand Rapids Craft Breweries


Dr. Tamara Shreiner is interested in the ways that people construct an understanding of the past across different scales of time and space, as well as the ways that people use their historical understanding to make sense of and reason about contemporary political and civic issues.  Much of her current scholarship focuses on teaching and learning in world history, and on how people make sense of and use data visualizations as part of the historical and civic inquiry processes. You can contact Dr. Shreiner at shreinet@gvsu.edu.

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